DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3®沖飲
• 提供抗氧化防護
• 支援整體健康與成長
• 有助支援腦部功能健康
• 有助維持循環系統健康
*LiveBac™ is a trademark of Nutraceutix, Inc.
• 採用LiveBac™*片劑製造技術,確保益生菌活性
• 促進免疫系統健康
• 提供益菌,有助維持最佳的細菌平衡
• 提供益菌,促進消化健康
• 促進胃部舒適及排便規律
• 支援健康的消化運作
• 支援牙齒及牙齦健康
• 包含五種獨特細菌
o 唾液鏈球菌 (Streptococcus salivarius)
o 鼠李糖乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus)
o 唾液乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus salivarius)
o 副乾酪乳酸桿菌 (Lactobacillus paracasei)
o 胚芽乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)
*LiveBac™ 是Nutraceutix公司的商標。
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix® 免疫提升沖飲
- 支援身體天然免疫系統健康
- 臨床實驗顯示Wellmune®促進免疫健康功能
- 促進免疫細胞活動
*Wellmune® WGP是 KERRY LUXEMBOURG S.A.R.L 的註冊商標。
- 支援健康膚色
- 支援健康血管功能及血液流動
- 提供抗氧化防護
- 充當自由基清除劑
DNA奇妙系列至「營」iKids套裝為你提供照顧孩子健康的全面所需。套裝包括:DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲、DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方) 、 DNA 奇妙系列Isotonix 免疫提升沖飲及DNA奇妙系列OPC-3®軟糖。
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲的配方經過精心調配,含有碧容健®、歐洲藍莓萃取物、葡萄籽萃取物、葡萄皮萃取物、柑橘生物類黃酮複合物和玻尿酸。這些成份互相合作,為孩子提供強效的抗氧化防護,支援整體健康與成長。讓孩子補充DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲,亦有助維持循環系統健康,同時支援腦部功能健康。
DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)包含由五種嚴格挑選菌種組成的50億個菌落形成單位。本產品採用專利LiveBac片劑製造技術,確保維持益生菌的高活性,讓你的孩子全面攝取所挑選益生菌的所有好處。DNA奇妙系列益生菌配方為可以咀嚼的片劑,可口的水果味道必定深受孩子喜愛。
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix 免疫提升沖飲含有專為提升免疫力而設的成分 ─ 受到臨床研究證實的Wellmune WGP,並使用了Isotonix等壓吸收傳輸系統,令DNA 奇妙系列Isotonix 免疫提升沖飲不僅達到最大的吸收功效,亦同時增強免疫力。每天使用DNA 奇妙系列Isotonix 免疫提升沖飲讓你的孩子時刻增強免疫力,也同時保持健康活力。
美味可口的DNA奇妙系列OPC-3®軟糖絕對是你孩子的必然選擇,讓孩子享受碧容健®†的抗氧化功效。這些具抗氧化功能的軟糖加入了碧容健®,即Isotonix® OPC-3®產品含有的相同成份。研究顯示,這種成份可提供抗氧化防護,並支援健康血管功能和血流,從而為你孩子的健康提供支援。
†碧容健®為賀發研究機構 (Horphag Research Ltd.) 的註冊商標,此產品受一個或多個美國專利和其他國際專利的保護。
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲
葡萄籽萃取物一般提取自紅葡萄(而非白葡萄)的籽,含有大量稱為原花色素 (OPCs) 的複合物,以及具強效抗氧化功效的多酚類。
DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲是甚麼?
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲是健康食品,含有部份目前科學研究人員已知的最強效生物類黃酮。這些生物類黃酮的學名為原花色素(通常簡稱OPC)。OPC-3中的OPC提取自葡萄籽與葡萄皮、歐洲藍苺、松樹皮的碧容健,以及柑橘類果實,是最純淨、最廣受研究的OPC。這個強效的OPC組合是Isotonix的獨有配方,加上同樣專有的Isotonix輸送系統,讓OPC可被快速和高效吸收。DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲對健康帶來多種好處,包括提供抗氧化防護、協助維持循環系統健康、支援腦部功能健康,以及支援整體健康與成長。
如何讓孩子飲用DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲?
使用DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲有任何注意事項嗎?
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲含有任何致敏原嗎?
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲是素食產品,不含小麥、大豆、酵母、麩質、人工香料、澱粉、鹽、防腐劑或奶類。
食用DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲安全嗎?
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3沖飲安全及不含有害的化學物質、防腐劑和酒精。本產品在美國製造,並於經美國食品及藥物管理局檢測的設備生產,符合良好生產規範。顧客對本產品的質量和安全可絕對有信心。
DNA奇妙系列益生菌(兒童配方)可與其他Isotonix產品或DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3®一起服用嗎?
可以。DNA奇妙系列益生菌(兒童配方)與其他Isotonix產品一起服用均為安全,但必須遵照每種產品指定的份量服用。DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3®沖飲亦可與奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)配方一起服用。
我應該如何服用DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)?
奇妙系列益生菌(兒童配方)含有發酵過程產生的微量奶類。每食用份量包含少於2 ppm奶類。對乳糖敏感的人士來說,本產品為安全。
我孩子服用奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)後,該產品需要多長時間才開始支援我孩子的消化需要?
DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)對消化有甚麼影響?
*LiveBac™ 是Nutraceutix公司的商標。
兩歲以下兒童可以使用DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)嗎?
使用DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)配方安全嗎?
DNA奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)安全及不含有害物質。本產品在美國製造,並於經美國食品及藥物管理局檢測的設備生產,符合良好生產規範。顧客對本產品的質量和安全可絕對有信心。
Drink奇妙系列Isotonix® 免疫提升沖飲
DNA奇妙系列Isotonix OPC-3®沖飲
• Adams J. Summary of Biomedical Treatments for Autism. Autism Research Institute Publication. 40 (April), 2007.
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• Chovanová Z et al. Effect of polyphenolic extract, Pycnogenol, on the level of 8-oxoguanine in children suffering from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Free Radical Research. 40(9):1003-10, 2006.
• Devaraj S et al. Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile. Lipids 37:931-4, 2002.
• Diliberto E et al. Multicompartmental secretion of ascorbate and its dual role in dopamine b-hydroxylation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54(6 Supplement):1163S-72S, 1991.
• Dolske M. et al. A preliminary trial of ascorbic acid as supplemental therapy for autism. Progress in Neuropsycho-pharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 17(2):765-774, 1993.
• Dvoráková M et al. The effect of polyphenolic extract from pine bark, Pycnogenol on the level of glutathione in children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Redox Report. 11(4):163-72, 2006.
• Fine A. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes: history, structure, and phytopharmaceutical applications. Alternative Medicine Review 5:144-51, 2000. Review.
• Fitzpatrick, D., et al. Endothelium-dependent vascular effects of Pycnogenol. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 32: 509-515, 1998.
• Freedman, J., et al. Select flavonoids and whole juice from purple grapes inhibit platelet function and enhance nitric oxide release. Circulation 103:2792-8, 2001.
• Frei B et al. Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 86(16):6377-6381, 1989.
• Gulati, O. Pycnogenol® in venous disorders: a review. European Bulletin of Drug Research 7: 1-13, 1999.
• Guo Q et al. Electron spin resonance study of free radicals formed from a procyanidin-rich pine (Pinus maritima) bark extract, Pycnogenol®. Free Radical Biology Medicine. 7(11-12): 1308-1312, 1999.
• Henning S et al. Glutathione blood levels and other oxidant defense indexes in men fed diets low in vitamin C. Journal of Nutrition. 121:169-175, 1991.
• James S et al. Metabolic biomarkers of increased oxidative stress and impaired methylation capacity in children with autism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 80(6):1611-7, 2004.
• Johnston C et al. Vitamin C elevates red blood cell glutathione in healthy adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 58(1):103-105, 1993.
• Kidd P Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: rationale for its integrative management. Alternative Medicine Review. 5(5):402-28, 2000. Review.
• Kim J et al. Effect of select antioxidants on malondialdehyde modification of proteins. Nutrition. 16: 1079-1081, 2000.
• Kirsch M et al. Ascorbate is a potent antioxidant against peroxynitrite-induced oxidation reactions. Evidence that ascorbate acts by re-reducing substrate radicals produced by peroxynitrite. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275(22):16702-16708, 2000.
• Kuo C et al. Ascorbic acid, an endogenous factor required for acetylcholine release from the synaptic vesicles. Japan Journal of Pharmacology. 30(4):481-492, 1980.
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• Meydani M. Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in ageing. Age. 15:89-93, 1992.
• Monograph. Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry). Alternative Medicine Review 6:500-4, 2001.
• Nelson A et al. Pycnogenol® inhibits macrophage oxidative burst, lipoprotein oxidation and hydroxyl radical-induced DNA damage. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 24 (2): 139-144, 1998.
• Nishioka K et al. Pycnogenol, French maritime pine bark extract, augments endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans. Hypertension Research. 30(9):775-80, 2007.
• Numakawa Y et al. Vitamin E protected cultured cortical neurons from oxidative stress-induced cell death through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Journal of Neurochemistry. 97(4):1191-1202, 2006.
• Nuttall S et al. An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect. J Clin Pharm Ther 23: 385-89, 1998.
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奇妙系列益生菌 (兒童配方)
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DNA奇妙系列Isotonix® 免疫提升沖飲
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- Burton G et al. Vitamin E: Antioxidant activity, biokinetics, and bioavailability. Annual Review Nutrition. 10:357-382, 1992.
- Chovanová Z et al. Effect of polyphenolic extract, Pycnogenol, on the level of 8-oxoguanine in children suffering from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Free Radical Research. 40(9):1003-10, 2006.
- Devaraj S et al. Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile. Lipids 37:931-4, 2002.
- Diliberto E et al. Multicompartmental secretion of ascorbate and its dual role in dopamine b-hydroxylation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54(6 Supplement):1163S-72S, 1991.
- Dolske M. et al. A preliminary trial of ascorbic acid as supplemental therapy for autism. Progress in Neuropsycho-pharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 17(2):765-774, 1993.
- Dvoráková M et al. The effect of polyphenolic extract from pine bark, Pycnogenol on the level of glutathione in children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Redox Report. 11(4):163-72, 2006.
- Fine A. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes: history, structure, and phytopharmaceutical applications. Alternative Medicine Review 5:144-51, 2000. Review.
- Fitzpatrick, D., et al. Endothelium-dependent vascular effects of Pycnogenol. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 32: 509-515, 1998.
- Freedman, J., et al. Select flavonoids and whole juice from purple grapes inhibit platelet function and enhance nitric oxide release. Circulation 103:2792-8, 2001.
- Frei B et al. Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 86(16):6377-6381, 1989.
- Gulati, O. Pycnogenol® in venous disorders: a review. European Bulletin of Drug Research 7: 1-13, 1999.
- Guo Q et al. Electron spin resonance study of free radicals formed from a procyanidin-rich pine (Pinus maritima) bark extract, Pycnogenol®. Free Radical Biology Medicine. 7(11-12): 1308-1312, 1999.
- Henning S et al. Glutathione blood levels and other oxidant defense indexes in men fed diets low in vitamin C. Journal of Nutrition. 121:169-175, 1991.
- James S et al. Metabolic biomarkers of increased oxidative stress and impaired methylation capacity in children with autism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 80(6):1611-7, 2004.
- Johnston C et al. Vitamin C elevates red blood cell glutathione in healthy adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 58(1):103-105, 1993.
- Kidd P Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: rationale for its integrative management. Alternative Medicine Review. 5(5):402-28, 2000. Review.
- Kim J et al. Effect of select antioxidants on malondialdehyde modification of proteins. Nutrition. 16: 1079-1081, 2000.
- Kirsch M et al. Ascorbate is a potent antioxidant against peroxynitrite-induced oxidation reactions. Evidence that ascorbate acts by re-reducing substrate radicals produced by peroxynitrite. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275(22):16702-16708, 2000.
- Kuo C et al. Ascorbic acid, an endogenous factor required for acetylcholine release from the synaptic vesicles. Japan Journal of Pharmacology. 30(4):481-492, 1980.
- Lenton K et al. Vitamin C augments lymphocyte glutathione in subjects with ascorbate deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 77(1):189-195, 2003.
- McGinnis W. Oxidative stress in autism. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 10(6):22-36, 2004. Review.
- Meydani M. Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in ageing. Age. 15:89-93, 1992.
- Monograph. Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry). Alternative Medicine Review 6:500-4, 2001.
- Nelson A et al. Pycnogenol® inhibits macrophage oxidative burst, lipoprotein oxidation and hydroxyl radical-induced DNA damage. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 24 (2): 139-144, 1998.
- Nishioka K et al. Pycnogenol, French maritime pine bark extract, augments endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans. Hypertension Research. 30(9):775-80, 2007.
- Numakawa Y et al. Vitamin E protected cultured cortical neurons from oxidative stress-induced cell death through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Journal of Neurochemistry. 97(4):1191-1202, 2006.
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